
26 July 2024   Report co-authored by WIPR reveals key insights into gender parity among trademark professionals | Women are well represented in the sector but still face substantial challenges.

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Weighing up the impact on society with freedom of expression across 27 member states is a delicate task for the EUIPO when considering ‘offensive’ marks, says Joana Fialho Pinto of Inventa.
In the first of a series that peeks under the bonnet of firms doing things differently, Sarah Speight speaks with lawyers who chose to go admin-free at Keystone Law.
The SCOTUS review will either chill or empower a court’s discretion to award damages from an infringer’s profits, explains Mark Sommers of Finnegan.
Big changes to New Zealand's IP laws make it vital to understand the new-look rules, says Christopher Young of MinterEllisonRuddWatts.
The country’s location and infrastructure projects paint a compelling picture for investors, so what’s the situation for brands? Sofia Araújo of Inventa explains.
The new Trade Marks Act may provide some relief for enforcing international and service marks but questions remain around earlier international registrations, say Lisa van Zuydam and Kim Rampersadh of Adams & Adams.
Challengers at the US Trademark Trial and Appeal Board should note the prior use arguments in a dispute over a Brazilian Portuguese colloquial phrase, says Willie Stroever.
Series or families of trademarks can be used as grounds for opposition against European trademarks if certain conditions are met, says João Pereira Cabral of Inventa.
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9 July 2024   IPEC judge said UK Innovations infringed AGA’s trademarks with electric-converted ovens but not copyright | Defendant successfully relied on section 51 copyright defence.
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27 June 2024   Partner from Reed Smith is renowned for patent and trademark litigation practice | Firm plans to continue growing team in France.
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