1 December 2012TrademarksPetter Rindforth

Are you protected? The Trademark Clearinghouse

Under its new generic top-level domain programme, ICANN has set up the Trademark Clearinghouse to help assuage the concerns of trademark owners. Petter Rindforth takes a look at what the Clearinghouse will offer.

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More on this story

1 September 2012   As part of its new gTLD programme, ICANN has committed to establishing a Trademark Clearinghouse for protecting intellectual property rights. TB&I talks to Jan Corstens and Vicky Folens of Deloitte about the details.
1 December 2012   Trademark owners appear to have made headway in their long-running attempts to enhance the mechanisms for protecting their rights in the new gTLD space.
14 December 2012   Rights owners will pay no more than $150 to file their individual marks into the Trademark Clearinghouse, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) confirmed yesterday.