Fenix Legal

Fenix Legal
Brahegatan 44,
11437 Stockholm
W: www.fenixlegal.eu
E: info@fenixlegal.eu
Company profile:
Fenix Legal offers legal solutions for the creative minds.
Our team consists of a combination of European patent and trademark attorneys, lawyers, engineers, mediators, as well as business consultants and branding experts, in order to serve clients with “Business focused Intellectual Property”.
Fenix Legal is an International Patent- and Law firm, specialized in intellectual property in Sweden, Scandinavia, Europe and Eurasia. Head office is in Stockholm.
Our well-known services of patent and trademark prosecution and litigation, copyright protection, domain name registrations and disputes, IP Due Diligence and watching, IP disputes in courts as well as mediation by our Registered Mediators, market and competition law, and business / license agreement practice are important parts of creating and keeping IP protection - especially when it comes to new technology and pharmaceutical industry.
As we say: In an ever-changing world someone has to see the possibilities.
Fenix Legal – ranked as IP Star 2023.
Areas of specialisation:
Patent, designs, trademarks, copyright, cyberlaw, dispute resolutions/mediation, company law, commercial law
Association memberships:
INTA, ECTA, FICPI, AIPPI, ABA, SPOF (Association of Swedish Patent Attorneys), SIPF (Association of IP Professionals in Swedish Industry), IPS (Association of Swedish IP Attorneys)
Sweden, Europe/European Union, Scandinavia, Eurasia
Maria Zamkova. CEO , Head of Patent Department and Partner of Fenix Legal, Stockholm, Sweden. info@fenixlegal.eu
Petter Rindforth. Managing Partner, Head of Trademark and Legal Department, and Partner of Fenix Legal, Stockholm, Sweden. info@fenixlegal.eu