8 December 2020PatentsMuireann Bolger

Fed Circ orders Hamamatsu to transfer 'black silicon' patents to SiOnyx

Japanese manufacturer  Hamamatsu must transfer its foreign patents for “black silicon” technology to its competitor,  SiOnyx, the  US Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit has ruled.

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More on this story

29 November 2019   Business method and software claim patents are often seen unfavourably in the US, but it’s a different story in Japan. James Korenchan and Michael Anderson of McDonnell Boehnen Hulbert & Berghoff and Yukio Oishi of TMI Associates outline the importance of understanding where the Japanese Patent Office stands on subject matter eligibility.
Jurisdiction reports
1 October 2011   The JPO strives to continually improve the patent system to better serve the needs of patent applicants and the public in view of globalisation and growing innovation. Kenji Sugimara and Takahiro Yamazaki explain.