Artificial Intelligence

Ariana Grande, Drake and Billie Eilish to be ‘unmuted’ on videos | UMG and TikTok to collaborate on tackling unauthorised AI-generated content.

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When someone shared an image made using StableDiffusion on social media, the ensuing case drew wide attention and set a precedent, explains Hongxia Wu of CCPIT Patent and Trademark Law Office.
The office is not backing down over Stephen Thaler’s appeal to copyright an AI-generated landscape image. Ron Dreben, Meaghan Kent and Matthew Julyan of Morgan Lewis explain why.
Off the back of a failed ‘bizarre experiment’ to mediate between Big Tech and creatives, the government’s failure to lead left copyright holders in limbo, finds Sarah Speight.
Patent pools, the fallout from Amgen and Juno, plus an increase in graphical user interface patents are among the trends to look out for, writes Shaobin Zhu of Morgan Lewis.
Hear all about it! The NYT has presented a compelling case—backed by rich evidence—but a loss at trial could be a disaster for the publishing industry, finds Sarah Speight.
A welcome return to pre-pandemic stability, closer interest in Chinese applications, and disruption by AI chatbots will be the issues to watch, predicts Robert Reading of Clarivate.
The UK Supreme Court’s landmark ruling that Stephen Thaler’s DABUS machine cannot be the sole inventor of two patents still leaves fundamental questions about AI, inventorship and creativity, writes Mike Williams of Marks & Clerk.
As a new year begins, Jon Gurka, Paul Keller and Anna Saber of Crowell & Moring explore what may lie in store for tech IP litigation.
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A New York court ruling denies attempts by California authors to wade into other high-profile suits against OpenAI and Microsoft | Cases concern the allegations of unauthorised use of copyrighted materials to train AI models | Ruling comes after OpenAI and Microsoft fight back and authors face setback.
Junior lawyers are ready to adopt AI tools into their day-to-day work, but will probably have to teach themselves how to use them, an associate told Future of IP.
Questel and ipQuants join forces to improve patent prosecution with AI tech | Partnership promises improved data analysis, trend spotting, and strategic decision making for patent prosecutors | Follows company’s recent acquisition of qatent.
News that a renowned designer is training an AI to create in her style prompts serious questions over IP ownership, say Magdalena Borucka and Margarita Taliadoros of Taylor Wessing.
In-house teams’ metrics often “don’t go deep” in assessing IP value, say experts from IP management company Tradespace.
By easily separating voices or instruments from a track, music AI tools are storing up potential infringements for the future, says Jonathan Coote of Bray and Krais.
The news agency argues fair use since BloombergGPT is a non-profit research model | Plaintiffs include former US governor and presidential candidate Mike Huckabee and Christian author Lysa TerKeurst | ‘Books3’ training data cited in complaint is “vague and conclusory.
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